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Belgiyumm Crunchy Cake

Crunchy, chocolatey bliss that’s impossible to resist!


2 hours (setting time in the refrigerator)




25 minutes


  1. 550 gm of Vanilla Sponge

  2. 200 ml of Sugar Syrup

  3. 100 gm of Whipping Cream

  4. 100 gm of Micks Belgi-Yumm Spread

  5. 50 gm of Micks Belgiyumm Crumbles

Cooking Directions

  • Take the Vanilla Sponge, remove the top layer, and cut it into 3 layers.

  • Place the first layer on the cake base and soak it with sugar syrup.

  • Mix Micks Belgi-Yumm Spread and whipping cream to apply. Mix Micks Belgiyumm Crumbles along with a little spread (for coating).

  • Apply a layer of Belgi-Yumm cream, then spread the Belgiyumm Crumbles mixture.

  • Repeat the process for all three layers.

  • Cover the cake with Micks Belgi-Yumm Spread (1:10 ratio of oil to spread) and garnish as desired.

  • Set the cake in the refrigerator for 2 hours and serve chilled.

Belgiyumm Crunchy Cake

In this Belgiyumm Crunchy Cake recipe, Micks products combine smooth and crunchy elements perfectly. Micks Belgi-Yumm Spread adds a creamy richness, while Micks Belgian Biscuit Crumbs give a delightful crunch, making every bite irresistibly delicious.

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